
Sister Machine Gun – Motivator

Today I’m going to start a new section (or an isolated and lonely post. I don’t know). WhereCiberSheep comes from? (Oh, yes. That comic of yours is very nice, not really updated but very good. But what we whant to now is your influences).
However, I’m not even now the answer to that question. Therefore, each time that I remember a song that was important at any point of my life, I’m going to share it with you here.
The next song is the only one that I kept from this album. I should check the rest of their discography, though. They sound interesting
After listening to some German bands, I arrived to Sister Machine Gun. O sí!


Don’t Stop (2.1d)

Year: 2013
Recording: 2013

Buy the song | Listen to it at Bandcamp


On the Mountain (remixes)

Year: 2013
Recording: 2013

Remixes album. Tenth anniversary of this song.
Download the disc | Listen to it at Bandcamp



Year: 2011
Recording: 1996-2011
Nau 2011 | CS2011A01

Compilation. Past, present and future songs.
Buy the CD | Listen to it at Bandcamp

As always we introduce you a project that needs a bit of explanation. Why? Because a future compilation is something that you don’t normally find.
What is in Replay>? A selection of 18 songs: some from 10 years ago, some that are still unreleased.

Here you are a list of track and a brief explanation.

01 スベルシープ (2011)
The latest introduction

02 Zombie Zombie (2009)
OST from Mallorca Zombie

03 Viatge a l’exterior (a) (2005)
From Simplement Complicat

04 I Hate (RMX) (2009)
New. Remix of a demo that has never been published

05 Move It’ (2011)
Retouch. New leading voice that makes this song our new anthem

06 Mi novia es un diablo (CS06) (2006)
From Simplement Complicat (Ed. Especial). Part of OST of Te presento a mi familia

07 Visió interna (2005)
From Simplement Complicat

08 Feed Me (2010)
Impressive. The most dancy that we have made (until now). First played @ Es Baluard and @ RVT London.

09 Don’t Stop (2.0) (2011)
New. We have re-structured this classic from our gigs.

10 A dins d’un cub (RMX09) (2009)
Remix. Original version was a bit dark. Now lights gets more place

11 MN06 Actitud (III) (2011)
New. Third part of the song that will probably replace On the Mountain saga (that recetly reached version 11th)

12 HOTA (House Jota) (2011)
New. Remix of a Majorquin tradicional song. We wanted to make something like this since long time ago. Majorquin folk meats house. Next step, arrive to dance floors.

13 Nit i suor (2001)
From Voramar. A very far, far time, more electronic. Interesting.

14 Llum humà (2002)
From Som aquí. A document from our vision of the night world.

15 A s’espai (200?)
Our first website had some secret contents. The easiest to find was this audio “copypesting” from a phone answering machine.

16 Dune (demo) (2005)
One of the doomed songs. We live it but never came to a perfect form (and this is the third try)

17 MN06 Actitud (I) (2003)
Crême de la crême. First version of this icon: Actitud.

18 The Chain (2002)
From Nascut Again. Little jewel that has gone for some version to reach this one.


Distress Call

Year: 2013
Recording: 2013

Single. Preview of Craix album.
Buy the song | Listen to it at Bandcamp

This songs includes samples of
– Siiiilence.wav of
– Space Ship Landing.flac of qubodup
– ExplosionBombBlastAmbient2.wav of zimbot
– LOUD_BLAST.wav of IFartInUrGeneralDirection

Also, contains samples from Sample Swap (public domain)